
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Post #7: my element and principle learning hand-made book

In this art activity, we were asked to make our own book. When I got my book, I did not really have a target in making what. So, my ideas just develop throughout the process. Today, we talked about how sometimes art process through working, instead of an idea just right on top of your mind. So, my book came out perfectly. However, throughout the project, the challenging part was following the steps. The steps were guiding me through the activity, but if I could do something different, I would not follow the steps on the guidelines because it distract the art process. So, I think that the activity should not have guidelines in what to do.
Throughout the activity, the topic of the book was about the elements and principles of art. To begin with, the elements of art are line, form, color, value, shape, texture and space. These elements are the building block of an artwork. However, the principle of art is how we want the picture to be, or what we want people to see and feel. It includes movement, rhythm, emphasis, balance, contrast, pattern and unity. So, we created our book that represents elements and principles of art. Last, both element and principles of art are combined together. When it is combined together, it creates a great art piece. So, art creates the element and principle of art.

First, we created our cover that is an abstract picture. Abstract art is nonrepresentational, so there should not being any emphasis on the picture. However, the book is not about abstract art, but it is about how the elements and principles of art work together in art. After working on the book for weeks, I think that I got a better understanding about elements and principles of art. The process began by making shapes, and then adding color and lines that would create movement and emphasis. After the front side of the book is done, we had to make our own poem using the vocabulary words on elements and principles of art. In my book, my poem is very creative because I put emphasis on the words throughout the poem. For example, the word "3-D", I drew the word in 3-D. Also, we created an author page. This page includes my picture, and few sentences about the author. In summary, I had a fun experience in creating this book because I learned art by making art. So, this activity helped me understand the elements and principles of art.


  1. The most successful part of your book was everything!!!!!! I didn't see not one flaw!!!!! The best part, to me, about your book was the poem!!!! Your illustrations were funny,they made me laugh abundantly!!! Good stuff Ms. Cheung!! Peace!

  2. The most successful aspect of the book was the way you included those shapes. I say this speicific aspect because it shows that you were comparing it to paws of animals, an animal and the peace symbol. To me this is pure craftmenship.

  3. The most successful aspect of your book was the unifying colors and shapes. There are many different emphasis areas and colors that harmonize with eachother. Nice job!

